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Dave-Growing A Business

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

The relationship I have with Dave goes back to December, 2011.

Dave was one of our franchisees in Canada. A couple of days after I became President, he called me with a litany of complaints. When he purchased his franchise, he was told that a focus on Canada was underway to grow the franchisees in our neighbor to the North. Frankly, it didn’t happen, and we only had a handful.

Over a 10-minute phone call I realized that all of Dave’s frustrations were valid. I ended the call by saying, “Dave, I’ve been the President for three days – will you give me some time to work on this?”

Over the next few years Canada became a focus. We didn’t accomplish all of my goals, but we went a long way towards getting it done. In the Spring of 2017, I had the pleasure of announcing to Dave he was our International Franchisee of the Year. #1 in the U.S. and Canada for 2017. We’d come up take video, interview employees, and announce this at our 3,000 attendee Reunion in the Fall.

I met his wife and his oldest son who was still in school but working part-time for Dave (who also had his father’s work ethic and intensity) and many on Dave’s team. I learned then that when people come to work for Dave – they STAY! A real testament to how Dave treats employees.

Before I retired, Dave’s company was one of my faves to visit. I loved what he was building internally as well as his goals for the future. Last week MK and I decided to make a drive up to his office, then spend the night at Niagara Falls for a night on the way home.

What a visit!!!

His operation has really grown. His once-small office is now 23 employees strong. He added equipment to transform his location into a full-service destination for every home, business or auto glass need with a beautiful showroom.

His plans are to expand throughout Ontario. Both of his sons are now full-time employees. One of his technicians is finishing his 15th year and will be able to retire next year. And the stories go on.

He showed us his new office under construction. We saw a huge box overflowing with business and motivational books ready to go onto new shelves which will be available to anyone on the team. Dave has believed from day one that it is important to continue to grow personally. His sharing library is an example of this.

Returning to the office after lunch we drove past the first place where he installed glass – a new hotel that was built 33 years ago. An illustrious career that continues to grow.

This is what I miss about retirement – great franchisees. I was so blessed!

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